Friday, 15 July 2011

Highways Agency Simulator

Genre: Simulation
Format: PC
Publisher: Excalibur


Ever wondered what it was like to wear a high-vis jacket and drive a gaudily decorated Highways Agency 4x4 around the UK's motorway network? No? Well this game is not for you. If you have, then you are in for a treat. Excalibur Publishing, purveyors of some of the most obscure simulation software ever imagined, have come up with a peach.

Sweep that glass up!
Sweeping up blood soaked glass, pulling over Eastern European lorry drivers just for chuckles, enforcing a 40mph speed limit because somebody threw a carrier bag on the carriageway - it's all here.

The game is so immersive, you'll be expecting a very poor salary at the end of the month and may well end up divorcing your wife.

VT Rating: 7/10